Best Food to Feed Wild Fish Bread

Goldfish can eat almost anything you throw at them. They are like little pigs in the fish tank, and, unsurprisingly, they do produce a lot of waste too.

Can Goldfish Eat Bread? Usually, bread is the last option when it comes to feeding fish but yes, Goldfish can eat bread. It is not recommended though because in large amounts it can be deadly—the fish belly will swell and they will shortly die.

Bread can be used as a last resort when you run out of fish food, but keep in mind that aquarium fish can live for 2 weeks without food, and 2 weeks is plenty of time for you to go to an aquarium shop and get a pack of real fish food.

Buy Some Goldfish Food from Amazon.

Can Goldfish Eat Lettuce? Lettuce is great! Is great both for you and for your fish. It is rich in vitamins and has a lot of nutrients that will promote good and healthy growth for your fish.

Feeding Goldfish with lettuce is a common practice among aquarists. Lettuce can be fed as it is, or it can be put in a blender along with carrots to make some quick frozen food for your fish. We will discuss how to make frozen fish food later in this article.

Can Goldfish eat rice? Rice isn't that common in the world of fish food. However, as I stated earlier, you can feed your Goldfish almost everything and rice can count as food too.

But as with bread, it can lead to belly swell and that is bad for your little buddy. Avoid feeding your Goldfish rice unless you really have no other option.

What Human Food can you Feed to a Goldfish?

When you feed your fish, many human foods are perfectly safe. White fish fillet is good, especially tilapia, cod, and coley, but avoid oily fish because that is a bit too messy.

Seafood is good, but don't use creams or molds too much because they contain a chemical called thiaminase, which breaks down vitamin B1.

Meat is more challenging as it contains fats that cause fish problems in aquariums so it is best avoided. One exception is a beef herb, which is not as fatty as most other meats once the obvious fat has been removed, and many types of fish can easily be frozen, shredded and fed.

Hard-boiled egg yolks are another old standby that is often used to feed livebearers of fish fry. If overused, the yolk particles can make the water cloudy, but many small fish (and shrimps) seem to go wild for egg yolk, so it's a worthwhile treat.

Green foods, like some fruits, are also worth trying. Most herbivorous fish enjoy blanched lettuce and cooked peas and spinach, while suckermouth catfish, like plecs, also enjoy raw courgette, cucumber, sweet potatoes and even melon slices!

Also Check: Can Goldfish Eat Tropical Fish Food?


What is the most common type of food Goldfish eat?

One of the biggest problems with raising Goldfish is that they do produce a lot of mess, which can cause an increase in ammonia concentration in the aquarium.

Goldfish will always eat, but their eyes are much bigger than their stomachs, so try to only give them as much food as they actually need. Make them a serving, but it is preferable to feed them several times a day from this portion. Special Goldfish food is a basic diet but it's good to supplement it with spinach or boiled salad and live food such as crustaceans, artemia or tubifex worms. To emphasize, give them small amounts at each meal. Due to the fact that they produce so much residue, be very careful with water quality.

If the water in the tank becomes cloudy, you will need to change a quarter or more of the water in the aquarium – and in any case this should be done weekly.

Give them less food. If they are fed with Goldfish floating tablets, care must be taken to soak them in water to swell. Otherwise, the fish will swallow them dry and the tablets will swell in their stomachs.

The fish will then be filled with air, causing the appearance of bladder disease and the fish will float either on its side or upside down, with its stomach up.

The Goldfish will learn quickly that you are the one who feeds them and will come to the aquarium's glass when you enter the room. They are fast swimmers and it's a pleasure to watch them.

How to make frozen food for your goldfish

Making homemade food for your Goldfish is great. Not only you will cut the costs of buying fish food from stores, but you will also feed them with something that is rich in vitamins and nutrients and your fish will love it!

You can make frozen fish food for all types of aquarium fish, not only for Goldfish. Here are the most common ingredients used in homemade frozen fish food:

  • Lettuce – Contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are good for your fish
  • Carrots – In small amounts, it can enhance the color of your fish
  • Beef heart – Great source of protein and minerals
  • Chicken liver – Great source of vitamins and minerals
  • Spinach – Same as lettuce, fish love it
  • Bloodworms, Tubifex, Krill, Daphnia – Full of protein

There are lots and lots of homemade fish food combinations. I recommend that you make frozen food over dried flakes because it will last for a long time and it will retain most of the nutrients required for your fish.

How can you make frozen fish food you ask? Simple! Get all the ingredients you need and put them in a blender. You need a blender because you are going to make a paste.

After you have mixed everything into a paste (that will normally be brown/greenish in color), you can put that paste in a plastic bag and spread it evenly to look like a thin sheet.

After that simply put it in the freezer and leave it there. And that's it! You made your own frozen fish food that your aquatic buddies will love!

To feed the frozen food to your fish, simply break small chunks (no larger than a fingernail) from the sheet you made and throw them into your fish tank.

One common problem that many aquarists face – Overfeeding

Excessive feeding of aquarium fish is understandable because feeding is the main way you can interact with your fish. Fish are always pleased to see you coming near the aquarium window with the necessary food.

However, more aquarium fish die from overeating, rather than from undernutrition. I'm pretty sure very few aquarium fish have ever died of hunger.

Healthy aquarium fish will always look hungry. In fact, a good way to test the health of aquarium fish at a store is simply touching the pool with your hand. In a good store, if the food is regularly administered, the fish will quickly react.

It takes a few days for the fish in the tank to get used to the idea of reacting to your hand, and there will always be new fish stocks, which will not immediately respond to this touch of the basin.

The basic rule when it comes to feeding aquarium fish is to make sure that all the food distributed in the aquarium is eaten up each time. Usually, this is put in terms of "all these fish can eat in X minutes", where X is a number.

My opinion is that an "X" should be .5, that is, half a minute. If your aquarium fish have finished eating all the food in half a minute, then it's good to give them the same amount of food again.

Feeding your aquarium fish once a day is enough. If you want to feed them two or even three times a day, it's best to make sure that the food you give them is consumed in half a minute.

Even without plants in the aquarium, the fish can live without food for about a week. In fact, one of the best things you can do for your fish is not to feed them for one day each week. The fish in my aquarium are not fed for two or even three days each week.

All prepared foods that are available in specialist stores are of high quality and offer good nutrition for aquarium fish. You should fill in the menu of dried foods with some frozen (special mixtures), lyophilized or live food (salty artemia) three or four times a week.

The conclusion is to give your aquarium fish a varied diet, feed them just how much they eat in half a minute and don't feed them at all for one day each week.

The reason that overeating is a very bad thing for aquarium fish is that it pollutes the tank. Uneaten food adds to the ammonia in the tank, resulting in bacterial growth.

Related Questions

Can Goldfish eat breadcrumbs?

Goldfish can eat almost anything and breadcrumbs are no exception. But you need to be aware that feeding bread to fish is not ideal. Your fish can develop intestinal disorders which can lead to its death.

Only feed breadcrumbs if you have no other option.

What should you feed a Goldfish with when you have no fish food?

This question has been answered many times in this article. Goldfish can eat almost anything, that can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your point of view.

If you run out of fish food, you can safely feed your Goldfish all kinds of vegetables, from lettuce and spinach to carrots and melon. They will love it!

But what happens when you have no vegetables around? If that is the case, you can feed your Goldfish some breadcrumbs, although it's not recommended.

How long can Goldfish go without food?

From my experience, Goldfish can last about 2 weeks without food. After that, they will become weak and will slowly start to die.

But there are fish that can last way longer without food. My friend forgot to feed his thoracatum catfish for one and a half months! It happened 4 times! And it survived without any problems. It is still alive today, and the little champion is almost 9 years old! A 9 year-old fish!

Small fish can endure up to 1 month without food. They will eat the algae that forms on the aquarium glass walls and on the plants and decorations. Goldfish aren't very good algae eaters, yes they will eat some, but not enough to keep them alive.

What do Goldfish eat in the wild?

As with many other fish species living in the wild, the Goldfish eats everything it can get its flippers on. From small insects that fall in the water to algae and even other fish!

Other fish babies will have a hard time surviving in the same water with Goldfish.


The Goldfish is the fish we see most often in cartoons or even in movies, swimming in a bowl and being attacked by the cat. The Goldfish is also known as the golden fish, and there are many stories that are full of suggestions that they are endowed with the gift of fulfilling your every desire.

Returning to reality, however, we recommend that you do not make the mistake of believing that what you see in movies or cartoons is exactly what the Goldfish needs. Bowls, or more precisely their round shape, are not beneficial to any species of fish.

Goldfish love to swim, and swimming in circles will not only make it tired, but it will get sick and you will notice that your Goldfish is lethargic, stressed and won't live as long as it should.


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